Paris Wedding Photographer // Laura + Olivier
Thank you so much!! These are fantastic! We loved having you there! – Laura
These are truly amazing! Thanks a lot – you were everywhere! – Olivier
When Laura and Olivier got in touch looking for a Paris wedding photographer I knew immediately their wedding was going to be special. Laura is a very well respected photojournalist and Olivier is picture editor for the Washington Post – no pressure then!! To make things a little more interesting their wedding comprised of mainly professional photographers and people who work in the industry – for some of the most well respected newspapers, magazines (Nat Geo!) and picture agencies (Magnum!!) in the world. Not to mention there where TWO Pulitzer Prize winning photographers in attendance! Talk about a career high.
With all that in mind, I’ve been asked many times how I managed with all the pressure – and to be completely honest – I just approached the day like any other wedding. If I’d let all that get into my head I would probably have exploded. For me, it was simply a case of doing what I love to do – document the story of their day. The greatest thing about working with other photographers, particularly photojournalists, is that there is a mutual respect and understanding for good photography, and what it takes to achieve good photography. In the best possible way, I was left alone to just get on with it.
It was lovely to be able to chat with some of the guys who are out photographing wars and other world events. It’s certainly very grounding and makes you appreciate how lucky we, as wedding photographers, are.
Paris Wedding Photographer
The wedding day itself was a little different to normal. The ceremony took place in the morning at the local civil venue and after that some of the close family went off to have lunch – not before a few formal group photos and some portraits of Laura and Olivier – and everyone regrouped a little later in the day for a big party. The reception venue was at Le Pavillon Puebla located in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont. It’s a very cool venue with lots of layers and texture – great for photography!
Right thats enough from me, needless to say I had a fantastic time out in Paris with Laura, Olivier and all their guests. It was a proper career high and a wedding I certainly won’t forget.
Take a look at some of my favourites from an amazing day below…
For the photographers; everything was shot using Fuji x-Pro2′s and a combination of the 16mm, 23mm, 35mm and 56mm prime lenses. Any questions about anything please don’t hesitate to ask.
These are stunning Matt
Fantastic set Matt really enjoyed those!
Fantastic set here Matt, really enjoyed look through them all!
Top work Matt – they must be thrilled with these. Top dog photo!
Love love!! Some really amazing shots and beautiful light!
Awesome stuff mate! super cray cray framing
Fabulous work as always Matt.