2020 // Diamonds in the rough…
Well I don’t need to go on about how rough 2020 was. We all felt it. Annus Horribilis
Instead I want to celebrate some of the positive moments I had throughout the year. On a personal level my wife Ellen and I got our first dog – Buddy. He’s a legend and he got us through some tough times this year – giving us something to focus on, especially in the early part of the year when it was all falling apart. He meant we had to get out for our walks and generally having a ball of positive energy around you all the time certainly helps to maintain a good mood. Thank you Buddy!
I realised a pipe dream by converting our VW T5 into a campervan (I’ll share some photos of that soon but you can check out the build process and some finished photos on instagram @the_t5_project). We’ve wanted a campervan for ages and I suddenly found myself with a lot of spare time so decided to focus my attention and energy into creating something. I had no experience in carpentry, auto-electronics, solar power, etc and learnt it all from scratch – if I can do it anyone can! We’ve managed to get away in the van a couple of times since converting it but the localised restrictions have since meant we can’t use it to its full potential, but we’re very much looking forward to getting out in it this year.
There are lots of other things I could list but instead I’ll get on with things from a business perspective. I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been an easy year by any means. Seeing so many friends struggling through a complete clusterf*ck of a year hasn’t been fun, but we’ve all been there for each other and done what we can to help where we can. I should have photographed 30 weddings in 2020 but instead finished the year having photographed 5. FIVE. Madness.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the handful of weddings I was lucky enough to photograph and thank each of my wonderful couples from the bottom of my heart for having me along. I know it hasn’t been easy for anyone planning a wedding, and what I hope this blog post will show you is that despite all the background noise and negative vibes floating about throughout the year, there were still some absolutely golden moments to be found – diamonds in the rough…